Monday, March 8, 2010

Are there any turner syndrome adult women out there that have issues with hormone replacement and hair loss? ?

My daughter is 22 and is losing her hair. We think it has to do with turners and hormones. Her thyroid is fine, with medication. I would really like to chat with an adult turner syndrome women.Are there any turner syndrome adult women out there that have issues with hormone replacement and hair loss? ?
my daughter is 12yr old and has TS. she's got some hair loss. she has 1 patch about 5cms by 3cms and another 1cm round patch. She's been diagnosed with alopicia areata. She saw a dermatologist 3 weeks ago and has started on a steroid lotion to see if it helps.

Hair loss is a bit more common in women with TS although still it does not happen too often and is very rare in children with TS. With my daughter they are thinking it's her immune system attacking the hair follicles.

My daughters thyroid function is fine, it always has been she takes no medication for that. She started estrogen treatment about 8 months ago, oxandralone aged 8yrs and growth hormone aged 4 years. The alopicia started about 2 yrs ago but the hair grew back after 6 months, then about 1 yr ago came back in the same place but got bigger and showed no signs of coming back.

Luckily she has really thick hair so the patches are not seen, she can't have her hair in 2 pony tails or french braids though as it can be seen then. but down or 1 pony tail and it's not seen..She had a blood test done with her last yearly blood tests to see if there was any reason for the loss but all tests came back normal. I guess we will just have to wait and see if the hair comes back or notAre there any turner syndrome adult women out there that have issues with hormone replacement and hair loss? ?
I am 26 and has a similar problem with losing my hair, although mine was caused by an over production of testosterone. We have my testosterone level under control and I haven't noticed my hair growing back any. Although in my situation I don't want to take the medication to help with it because I want to get pregnant and it's known to cause birth defects.

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