Monday, March 8, 2010

I am a 28 year old woman with hair loss. Has anyone been in my place? it is NOT alopecia. Can someone help?

See your doctor, if you have not already. There are certain illnesses and medical conditions that can cause hair loss such as hypothyroidism.

Other women, just lose their hair as they get older without any reason ever being found and while 28 is not old, it can occur in the late 20s.I am a 28 year old woman with hair loss. Has anyone been in my place? it is NOT alopecia. Can someone help?
If it's hereditary try using an over-the-counter rogaine for women. If not start from scratch.use only basic products, in the same suave shampoo,gel hairspray, etc..I am a 28 year old woman with hair loss. Has anyone been in my place? it is NOT alopecia. Can someone help?
I'm sorry. That can be really frustrating. It sounds like a hormonal imbalance. Have you talked to a doctor about testing for Poly-cystic Ovary Syndrome? Symptoms of the condition would include thinning hair, irregular menstrual cycles, and even acne, weight gain and excess hair growth in other areas, like your tummy. It is caused by excess androgen production, that can happen if you have an anovulatory cycle (a cycle when you don't ovulate).

Unfortunately, it isn't clear what causes PCOS, but there are treatments that seem to reduce or reverse the symptoms. These include better quality diet that reduces refined carbohydrates like sugar, white bread, pasta, and white rice; diets that help balance blood sugar levels; exercise; and doctor-prescribed medications that help supplement and balance hormones and control blood sugar.

Women with PCOS are more at risk for diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, and certain cancers, so check with your doctor. And it isn't uncommon that they would have thyroid troubles, as well. With treatment, superficial and underlying risks and conditions can be managed, so see an endocrinologist, if you can.

A nutritionist, Anne Louise Gittleman, writes in her books of anecdotal evidence that people have even regrown hair (herself included) by eating foods like sardines and nutritional yeast flakes. Her diets also support healthy hormonal balance, which may be of benefit to you.

Best wishes!
maybe have have used a lot of hair products which can sometimes result in hair loss or maybe its in yur genes ask your family if anyone had any hair lost problems then go to your doctor to see if they can help
Does your mother, grandmother or aunt have the same thing? It may be hereditary.

If it is stress related you need to lighten up.

Good luck!
It could be an endocrinology problem, better go to your physician

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