Monday, March 8, 2010

Why are men so obsessed with their hair loss if women don't care as much?

Why is this? I'm 23 and shave my head because it's thinning. I'm still pretty insecure about it, but that's mostly because the media and society portray guys with thinning hair as pathetic loners who are only worth mocking or fearing. From looking at polls of women, though, actual women claim to not care that much. Are these just older women or what? If ladies don't find balding guys that much less attractive, then why do some guys spend thousands getting back hairs stitched onto their scalp so they can ';make believe'; they have hair (and end up looking like a Chia pet)? Is this just part of a huge inter-gender communication gap or something? Or are balding guys actually as unappealing as we seem to believe, and the women polled are just pretending not to care as a way of being nice?

Input from younger females would be much appreciated, as long as they aren't only into bald guys who look like scowling ex-cons and don't own any shirts with sleeves.Why are men so obsessed with their hair loss if women don't care as much?
ok, honestly I prefer men with hair but I would not say ';never with him cos hes bald'; as theres more to it than looks and hair.

the media tells us all to look a certain way, but everyone has different tastes in a partner and there is someone for everyone.Why are men so obsessed with their hair loss if women don't care as much?
I dunno but I like my man with hair on his head, I don't mind if it goes grey but I do mind if he loses it. Not that I'd leave him but I'd miss that hair, there'd be nothing to run my hands through and I love running my hands through his hair. Good thing is his father still has lots of hair and isn't grey yet so he probably won't lose his hair =)
I'm a younger female =] lol.

Anyway, I'd say that the thing is, it doesn't matter that much to women. But the reason why it would is because it ages guys. Having a head full of hair makes you look youthful, and that's what we all strive for, men and women alike.

But yeah, women don't care ALL that much. But probably a little.
ha ha. Okay well you have to think about what sort of audiences these polls are reaching.

I would say that balding is no big deal for women because it is expected. There is nothing wrong with a bald guy because its totally natural.
Why do women complain about their weight when men prefer the extra cushion? If u don't like ur thinning hair jus get some rogaine.
I think some find it less manly and they want to appear the manliest for their women
I have met some very sexy bald guys. might need to define old. I'm 48; does that make me old?

By the way, does balding make YOU old? I think that's really the concern for most guys. They view a balding man as someone who is old, not a guy in his 20s. My husband started losing his hair in his 20s. So did my dad...he was almost completely bald by the time he was 30. I'm sure it was devastating. It's your've had it your entire life, and now it's leaving you. You'd feel pretty much the same way if other parts of your body started to drop off in a short period of time.

The thing you have to remember is that most women are attracted to a personality, not just physical appearance. If you are nice, funny, intelligent and generally physically appealing, most women aren't going to give a rat's *** if you don't have any hair.

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